The films: Jurassic Park, Outbreak, and Godzilla (1998)
Viewing order importance: Viewing schedule as above; suggests evolution of the varying animals.
Animal against human. Nature versus technology. Interfering where one shouldn't = deadly destruction. These are the warnings of the above trilogy. And warned you should be. If there is anything to be learned by this series it is that humans meddle, and that nature is a bitch no matter what millinium your species is from.
Jurassic Park - Man stupidly clones dinosaurs, makes family themed park, people get eaten. Highest paid stars escape intact.
Outbreak – Men stupidly deforest Africa, unleash scariest virus ever, blow-up village to cover it up. Patrick Dempsy’s greed brings virus to US in cute monkey disguise. Hilarity ensues. Prettiest star gets the antidote. Not so, Kevin Spacey.
Godzilla (1998) – Thinly veiled anti-immigration film. Matthew Broderick’s earthworm science fair project gets interrupted by nuclear grown lizard. Lizard illegally immigrates to the US to have children, attempting to bypass US immigration law. Matthew Broderick “deports” Godzilla and his 200 babies. Includes bizarrely placed cast of The Simpsons.
Grade = A for Awesome. Animals rule.