Things that were good about Guy Ritchie's "Revolver"
1. It ended.
2. .
Reviews of important works, paired, trilogies and quadrilogies, curated from a library collection of dollar videos.
Million-dollar entertainment at Rock-bottom quality!
“Good cop bad cop scenario works” – According to our sources, yes. It does.
“Identify good cop bad cop” – This can indeed be tricky for the lay person. In general, if you find yourself watching a movie with two cops as the main characters, working together, albeit reluctantly (at least at first), and one of them starts yelling and threatening a witness while the other hangs back, making empty statements like, “I can’t control him (her). He (She) always does this kind of thing. You should have seen what happened to the last guy (gal). Just give us something, and I can call my partner off,” you can identify the movie to be within the “good cop, bad cop” genre.
“Tom Cruise appears in grease” – The movie, no. The substance, likely.
“Sweetgirl (dollar money)” – Why, thank you!
“Johnny Castle threesome” – Wow, don’t we wish!
"Body switch dream meaning” – We don’t pretend to be an expert on the meaning of dreams, but if we let movies be our guide, which of course they are, we would warn you that if you find yourself in another’s body it is likely NOT a dream. Proceed accordingly.
“I would lie for a dollar experiment” – Who wouldn’t?!
“Nipple sucking video” – Alas, our coverage does not extend into the review of Soft-Core Dollar Porn. Not yet anyway.
“Lactation movie blogger” – See above. Also see “Shoot ‘Em Up,” with Clive Owen and Monica Bellucci.
“Embarrassing gymnastic uniform malfunction video” – We might suggest broadening your search strategy here. “Embarrassing” implies unintentional, and is also subjective. See Janet Jackson-Justin Timberlake.
“Male swimming boner” – Let’s not bring our personal video collection into this.
“Heavy. Weight. Honeys.” – While we have no specific suggestions for you, we appreciate the intensity that your search strategy suggests, demonstrated by the addition of periods after each word. It is as if you propose, alone, each word is of significant importance, but together, they become an unstoppable force of possibility. We can not disagree.
“If You Leave” by OMD – From: "Pretty in Pink"
“Against All Odds” by Phil Collins – From “Against All Odds”
Despite the terrifying image that this line conjures, one of Peter Cetera racing toward us, feathered hair a-flying, on a grand white steed, whilst sheathed in heavy armor, this song really cuts right into your heart. And he so earnestly and intensely stares right into the camera here, nay, into your soul.
And in response says Anne, “I faced the nights alone. Oh how could I have known, that all my life I only needed you?”
To which they both reply in swelling synchronicity, “Oooh almost paradise we're knocking on heavens door. Almost paradise, how could we ask for more”?
Ever have one of those days? Wake up grumpy, the whole world seems against you, that time clock ticks slowly by, the world seeming bleaker with every second? Well take heart that your life ain’t so bad. The cliché holds that it could be worse. Why, take for example how shitty your life would be if the planet you lived on was completely covered with water, or if life was so bad on the surface of the planet you had to live underground, near the core of the earth? What if you had a tyrannical authority figure with delusions of grandeur to contend with, constantly talking about how great life will be, if ever on dry land, or actually on the earth's surface, or living in a world free from Saddam Hussein? One that constantly promises a better life, a happy future, only to have your hopes dashed with the grinding reality of day to day existence?
Next time you have one of those unexplainably shitty days, dust off the old VCR player and your box scratched VHS versions of Waterworld and The Matrix 2.
Viewing order importance: What do you care? Life sucks either way.
The harsh, harsh Waterworld of Kevin Costner consists of roughin' it on a boat in the middle of the never-ending ocean. He's wrinkled, sun burned and drinkin' his own pee. And also growing fruit with his own pee. And then some other dude steals his pee grown fruit.
Dry land is a myth, and dirt is worth more than gold. It's very dangerous to live in the Waterworld. People are constantly trying to kill each other for reasons unknown. There is also an unexplainable amount of fire on the Waterworld, which doesn't make a lot of sense. Wouldn't it seem the last thing you should have to worry about on the Waterworld is fire? Drowning, sharks, mold, incessantly pruned fingers, yes. Fire? Not so much. And they are all so flippin’ dirty. How can they be so dirty with so much water around? Yes, it's salt water, but one could still wash with it. And everyone has really dry, chapped lips and skanky hair.
Yes, life does indeed suck on the Waterworld. They scavenge trash and drift around on the water, dying of thirst, boredom and starvation, looking to trade their scavenged trash for other trash. Survival is all there really is to this life, but honestly what is the point? Granted, there are still a couple good looking broads here and there, Jeanne Tripplehorn for one, fair barmaid and schlepper of water.
Unfortunately for Kev, Jeanne comes saddled with a child, none other than Tina Majorino (Deb, Napoleon Dynamite). Young Deb apparently has a map to the mythical dry land tattooed on her back, so all sort of baddies are out to get her. Now Kev has to protect the kid as well as himself, if he wants to keep one of the only hot women on all the Waterworld.
And that's pretty much it. Life undoubtedly sucks on the Waterworld.
The Matrix Reloaded
A one word explanation of why life sucks:
A typical Zionist day:
6:30 am – Wake up stewing in own sweat, give thanks to Oracle for blessed day.
6:45 am – Get dressed in handmade, modern, stylish, white
7:00 am - Eat highly questionable food stuffs, origination unknown, give thanks to Oracle.
8:00 am - Join prayer group, give thanks to Oracle for the very existence of Morpheous, without whom, all would be lost.
9:00 am – Arrive at
12:00 pm – Gather around the “Chosen One’s” place of residence with homemade baked goods. Wait for his arrival. No show.
1:00 pm – Return to Zion mainframe control job, clock in, check out, stare at invisible wall for 4 more hours, secretly wishing for Machine attack to alleviate boredom.
5:00 pm – T.O.I.F! Clock out. Catch word of yet another “awesome” cave party, with VIP guest speaker.
5:30 pm – Arrive home, eat highly questionable food stuffs, origination unknown, give thanks to Oracle.
6:30 pm - Get dressed in cooler, dirty, earth-tone, torn clothes, presumably remade from centuries old other clothes, left-over from those who were there “from the beginning.”
6:45 pm – Carefully arrange dreadlocks
7:00 pm - Join prayer group, give thanks to Oracle for sending the Chosen One, even though the little shit hasn’t really done anything “chosen” yet.
8:00 pm – Arrive at cave party, stewing in own sweat.
9:00 pm – Listen to uninspired speech from Morpheous. Wonder who’s buying this bullshit.
10:00 pm – Sweaty dance party commences, get felt up a lot.
11:00 pm – Offer good looking person of opposite sex your personal “access code” to your own private “mainframe.” Get turned down.
12:00 am – Curfew in
There you have it – 2 situations were your life could be much, much worse than it already is. The only thing certain on the Waterworld or in
Denholm co-stars as Coleman, a bit of an unscrupulous, opportunistic butler. His boss Louis Winthrope is in a bit of a jam. Seems he’s being screwed in a hilarious twist of fate, when his bosses, the wickedly rich Dukes brothers, decide to fuck with his life and make him a poor, transplanting a homeless Eddie Murphy in his high society place. Denholm, caught in the middle as his paycheck does come from the Dukes, at first gleefully plays his role, shutting Dan out in the cold. But, as his desire to serve can not help but spring forth, Denny eventually comes around to serving both Masters well, and even comes out financially on top in the end.
**Fun Curator Aside! This was at some sort of over-night party in which the host’s dad’s video collection was raided. Host’s parents were not pleased, and host was subsequently grounded for 2 weeks.
In his most prominent Indiana Jones franchise role, Denholm actually gets to accompany
Denny really takes the back seat here, this time to a young, surprisingly buff, Sean Astin. Denholm is the Headmaster at a sleep-away school for rich young punks well-versed in various misbehaviors. As far as plot lines go, that’s usually enough. In this case however, the school is attacked… by Terrorists! As this film was made in 1991, back before Osama bin Laden was invented, these terrorists hail from Columbia, where all evil used to originate from. All that really is of inconsequence; what really matters is these bad boys are the last stand between terrorism and the downfall of
1. Realization
It all starts upon waking from a deep sleep, a slow-mo sequence involving your ghostly essence being lifted out of your body and implanted elsewhere or brief knock to the head. First of all, relax. In most cases, you will come to realize your situation by seeing a face other than your own in the mirror, hearing a strange voice talking to you in your brain or coming out of your mouth, suddenly recognizing things in a house you have never been in before, or by having flashbacks to situations you have never been in, including the imagining of your girlfriend’s mother, 20 years younger, in the sack.
2. Acceptance
You must quickly accept this situation as inevitable to keep the plot moving along. But rest assured you are in good company.
Did you know the likes of Tom Hanks, Steve Martin, Jody Foster, Robert Downey Jr., and Cory Feldmen, have all been either mistaken or unwitting victims of a body switch?
Once you accept your situation you must decide whether to keep your new body or immediately try to get out of it. Perhaps you are a 13 year old boy who suddenly has a man-sized johnson with a CEO’s earning potential to match. You may consider staying in your new big body for a while, but know this: if things were that easy, everyone would wish to be “big” on a Zoltar machine. Either way, you will, in most cases, end up having get out of your fake body, so keep this in mind through your adventures.
PS – If you are not “sure” whose body you inhabit, it is a good rule of thumb to not have sex, with anyone, under any circumstances. You never know…
Tricky, and in most cases, unnecessary, but each case must be judged on its own merits. You may require the help of another in your switch-back, particularly if you are one in the “cheating death” category, and have recently employed a holy man of generic middle eastern decent.
This is one of the easiest steps however. If you do need to convince someone of your alien-brain to hasten your switch-back, all you need is to display a random personal quirk or share a secret that only you, in your unique position could know, but something that is extremely unlikely that your host body would ever know.
4. Atonement
There is likely a perfectly good reason why you are in your current predicament, and this is also likely very obvious the entire audience. Try not to take it too personal that your bumbling and confusion in this matter, while embarrassing to you, is entertaining to them. If you didn’t want to make an ass of yourself for the amusement of others, you really should have gone into another line of business.
Now, there are usually only a few explanations for your predicament; that this is some sort of personal failure on your part, hence, your needed atonement. Likely reasons include:
a. Greed (Want to be older, younger or avoid death)
b. Important lesson to be learned from person you are switched with, likely due to severe egomania on your part
c. You are dead
If you are dead, try not to take it too personal. This is usually some kind of whimsical plot devise that has the audience either knowingly chortling or wiping away a bitter-sweat tear.
Your personal failings may be hard to accept, but you are going to have to suck it up and deal for the good of the plot. The reason for your switch will become obvious to you through a natural progression of events, and is directly related to your path of atonement. It is important for you to completely accept the reason for your switch, and right those wrongs. This is a life changing experience for you, look beyond the superficial, and confront the very darkness of your own inner workings. And stop tormenting that old man down the street.
5. Post-switch back behavior
Once you have righted any wrongs and/or received a token swift kick to the ass of your ego, you will be switched back to your original body. You are expected to react with overwhelming gratefulness, heightened appreciation of your original situation and the people around you followed by a respectful humbleness. You have just been through a very trying ordeal, but it is important to remember the deep life lesson that you have been taught, without being too haughty about it. You are now a little bit wiser, try and keep it that way.
For further instruction, recommended viewing includes: Chances Are, All of Me, Freaky Friday (1976), Big, Dream a Little Dream