Rag Tag Technology vs. Impending Doom
Americans. They are nothing if not resourceful, resolute, and unafraid to look like assholes. Say there is some sort of horrible disaster on the brink of destroying all mankind, like an F-5 tornado, or a meteor the size of
The Films: Twister, Armageddon
View order importance: Watch in order of escalating disaster potential
Sadly, Bill and Helen are on the verge of divorce, it fact all but one paper is signed. They must band together for one last tornado hunt, utilizing "The Dorothy," the ultimate in tornado understanding machinery. It’s a race against Cary Elwes who's SO obviously only in it for the money, not for the Science. "He's got all the technology but none of the instincts," mumbles sleepy Bill, in his perfected hick accent. Not to mention, this one will somehow bring back Helen's dad, who was, of course, killed by a tornado. That one event, is indeed fueling Helen's fire, to understand, and take revenge on, destructive winds. They can’t raise the dead it seems, but they can save most everyone in the town, something Mr. "Has Got All the Technology" can't manage to do. Dick.
Can they ever again find the passion they once had for storms, and each other? If only they can reconcile their differences in storm hunting. The Curator doesn't want to ruin the end, but....all signs point to yes, that somehow, they will find a way, to be together, again.
Armageddon: The Michael Bay/Jerry Bruckheimer magnum opus. Whenever the Curator reflects on the Bay/Bruckheimer collaboration, the two of them are imagined sitting around a kitchen table at 2 am, drunk on Coors Light and Goldschlager, wives asleep upstairs. Perhaps they are at a family ski retreat, somewhere near Big Bear Mountain. Both wear pinch-rolled acid wash jeans, reindeer sweaters, thick white cotton socks, with shoes removed. Many papers are scattered on the table top, Aerosmith plays (quietly, don’t wake the wives!) on a boom box in the background. There is a whole lot of hushed tones and high-fiving to accompany the exclamations of “DUDE, get this….” and “That is SO awesome! I’ve always wanted to make a movie with Bruce Willis drilling in space!” and “We rule MAN!” Notes are scribbled, check books opened, and the world hence subject to the master works of Bay & Bruckheimer. As it should be.
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