Dollar Video Curator

Reviews of important works, paired, trilogies and quadrilogies, curated from a library collection of dollar videos.

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Monday, September 04, 2006

Good cop/Bad cop/Good cop/Bad cop

The Films: Serpico, Usual Suspects, Bullitt, Face-Off

In any movie police scenario, the classic interrogation technique, "Good Cop/Bad Cop" is a necessity. Why would you sit down to watch a quadrilogy of police movies any other way?

Viewing order importance: Mid to High. Watch in any Good Cop/Bad Cop alternating order. Feel free to punch yourself in the face, sweat it out under the hot light and then reward yourself with a cup of shitty coffee throughout.

Serpico: Good cop Serpico ultimately triumphs against the all bad police force of the NYPD. Dressed like a stinkin' hippie under-cover cop, he refuses to take the money, and the whole force turns on him. No good dead goes unpunished.

Usual Suspects: Ultra-villain Dean Keaton is a bad-cop-turned-capitalist-with-a-heart-of-gold who gets sucked in for the classic "one last job". Gets framed as ultra-ultra villain Kaiser Soze while Kevin Spacey limps off into the sunset.

Bullitt: Steve McQueen as good cop Bullitt against the corrupt politicians and Mafia boogie men of San Francisco. It was to be a simple assignment, but it goes awry. Contains car-chase awesomeness.

Face-Off: Good cop/bad cop/good cop/bad cop, etc. Impossible plastic surgery techniques pave the way for face switching. Hide your identity! Trick all sides! The ultimate in under-cover police work, until the bad guy figures out how to do it too. Which is good? Which is bad? Also, Joan Allen gets laid by Nicholas Cage in John Travolta's body. Brrr......

Rated PG for Please God! More cop movies!


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