Dollar Video Curator

Reviews of important works, paired, trilogies and quadrilogies, curated from a library collection of dollar videos.

Million-dollar entertainment at Rock-bottom quality!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Alexander Godunov, Co-Star Extraordinaire

The Films: Witness, The Money Pit

Viewing Order: Either/Or

The short co-starring career of Alexander Godunov was abruptly brought to an end one sad morning in 1995, when he succumbed to a sweet, numbing, alcohol related syndrome. The Dollar Video Curator can relate. But who weeps for Alexander Godunov?

Whether as the egomaniacal, awesome maestro in The Money Pit, or the humble Amish, barn-building Daniel in Witness, Godunov gave you his all, blond hair softly floating in contrast to his rough, angular face. He may have reached greater stardom as Karl, the semi-psychopathic terrorist in the critically acclaimed Die Hard, but the Curator chooses to celebrate Godunov as Co-Star Extraordinaire: emotional, understated, on the sideline, explosive.

Witness - Gaze past Harrison Ford and who do we see there in the background, waiting to steal the show? Yes, that's Viggo Mortenson, but behind him? Godunov the Great, as Simple Amish Man. No buttons for him, he's not proud like that. But he's waited long enough for Kelly McGillis, through husband, death and mourning. Not even Harrison can stand in the way of his raw, animal need. Godunov wants him some of that strange.

The Money Pit - Now Godunov plays the only man standing between true happiness for Shelley Long and Tom Hanks. Their struggle to re-build their shitty house reflects, yes, the struggle of maintaining their relationship. The obstacles? Not rotten wood, horny plumbers or a lack of running water, but Godunov, the statuesque symbol of 1980’s perfection: blond, foreign and rich. Even when performing the unrealistic task of attempting to lure away the dumpy Shelley Long, Godunov gives us his all. Fortunately for him, she marries Hanks in the end.

Alexander Godunov lives on as Co-Star Extraordinaire, not soon forgotten by the Dollar Video Curator.


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